Age UK Derby and Derbyshire have announced the launch of the new falls prevention service for Derbyshire called ‘Live Stronger for Longer’.
The new service will deliver quality assured strength and balance exercise classes with an exciting new service called Strong and Steady.
Strong and Steady is a free, 24-week, exercise, falls management and behaviour change programme.
It is for Derbyshire residents aged 65 and over who may have difficulty walking or standing and aims to improve strength and balance.
For people who cannot attend a class there is also a Live Stronger for Longer At Home offer with free resources to help you exercise at home. This is for people aged 50 and over.
What are the benefits
• Improved strength and balance in everyday movement
• Improved confidence and reduced anxiety about falling
• Increased awareness of falls prevention
• Reduced risk of hip fractures
• Improved resilience to falls with increased recovery skills
• Improved or maintained independence skills
• Improved quality of life and wellbeing
For information about the new Live Stronger for Longer Service and the Strong and Steady exercise programme visit Age UK Derbyshire and Derbyshire's website.