We're working with the University of Derby to carry out research into the impact of Covid-19 and how it has affected people who use our service.
If you're a client who uses one of our Live Life Better Derbyshire services then we'd like to get your feedback and thoughts.
You can find out more information about the project below. If you would like to take part then please email L.Brown@derby.ac.uk and ask for a consent form.
What is the purpose of the evaluation?
The aim of this research is to help the council to understand how particular groups of people have been affected by changes in public health services during the pandemic.
By taking part in this project you'll be helping to shape future public health services as well as helping to increase the quality and engagement of our services.
A report will be produced from the findings of this study that will make recommendations for improvements.
What can I expect if I take part?
You'll be asked to take part in a focus group where you'll be asked to tell us about your experiences using the service, how you feel the pandemic has impacted on service delivery and how helpful you've found our services to be.
You might also be asked to take part in a one-to-one interview to share some more indepth thoughts.
What will you do with the information?
The information you give will be used by the University of Derby to produce a recommendations report with the aim of improving the quality of, and access to Derbyshire County Council's public health services
The information you give as part of this project is completely confidential and anonymous.
The researchers will not record your name or personal information about you. When they write the final report, they might quote some of your direct sentences, however, they will ensure you cannot be identified.
What happens if I change my mind about taking part?
You can change you mind and choose to withdraw from the project for upto two weeks following your participation in the focus group. If you decide to withdraw then please email L.Brown@derby.ac.uk
What should I do if I want to take part?
If you decide to participate, please email L.Brown@derby.ac.uk and the University of Derby will send over a consent form for you to complete.